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HTML: Class attribute and Id

HTML: Learn about Creating Wire Frames

Updated At: November 2024
HTML: Class attribute and Id

⁠In a previous article, we discussed incorporating external styles into HTML elements. In the following discussion, we will delve deeper into this topic, focusing on a commonly used method of integrating styles within HTML documents: Class

HTML class Attribute

The `class` attribute is widely utilized to denote a specific class name within a style sheet. Moreover, it plays a crucial role in JavaScript programming as it enables the identification and manipulation of elements associated with the designated class name.

⁠Below is the syntax for adding class to HTML elements:

.classname {
  CSS properties

  • To create a class in your CSS stylesheet, begin with a period (.) followed by the class name. 
  • Then, enclose the desired CSS properties within curly braces {} to effectively define and style the elements associated with that specific class.⁠

Key characteristics of the class attribute

  • HTML elements have the capability to be associated with multiple classes simultaneously.
  • Conversely, it is also true that various HTML elements have the capability to reference the same class name.
  • The class name is case-sensitive.



To make things simpler, you can click the button below to open the playground, which comes with pre-filled HTML.

In the editor, you will see HTML, CSS, and JS input on the left/top, and the output on the right/bottom.

HTML id Attribute

The "id" attribute serves as a distinctive identifier for an HTML element, distinguishing it from others within the document.

⁠The "id" attribute  plays a crucial role in linking to a precise style declaration within a style sheet, and is additionally essential for JavaScript functionalities that involve accessing and modifying the specific element identified by its unique id.

⁠Below is the syntax for adding class to HTML elements:

#idname {
  CSS properties

  • To define a "id" in your CSS stylesheet, begin with a "#" followed by the id name. 

  • Then, enclose the desired CSS properties within curly braces {} to effectively define and style the elements associated with that specific "id".⁠

Key characteristics of the "id" attribute

  • An "id" is unique and cannot be shared by other HTML elements.

  • The ID name must contain at least one character, cannot start with a number, and must not contain any whitespace.

  • The id name is case-sensitive.

Click here to observe the page automatically scrolling to a specific position. This is due to the "id" attribute, which you can also see in the URL.

Try removing the id (#image_tags) from the URL and observe the behavior.

Having now obtained a fundamental grasp of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), we shall advance to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) tutorials in order to acquire the knowledge necessary for crafting visually appealing and well-structured HTML pages, as well as gaining an understanding of wireframes.

Want to practice more? Click here for more hands-on exercise.







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